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Books to Read this Halloween!

Elizabeth Corke

Spooky season is upon us, and what better way to get kids using their imaginations and expanding their vocabularies than reading some Halloween-themed stories! From Roald Dahl to Enid Blyton, we have recommendations old and new to get your child in the ghoulish spirit.

Spooky Winnie (2013) by Laura Owen and Korky Paul

Winnie the Witch and her cat Wilbur get up to all sorts of mischief in this collection of stories as they turn back time, deal with troublesome wands and go for a night of trick-or-treating (with emphasis on trick!).

A compilation of four stories: Winnie's Time Machine, Winnie the Shadowitch, Winnie's Troublesome Wand and Spooky Winnie, this spinoff of the original Winnie the Witch is sure to get your child in the mood for some Halloween fun - and possibly a cat companion!

Ideal for readers aged 6-8, Spooky Winnie is a great read before bedtime and good fun for mum and dad to try out some hilarious voices, especially under the light of a jack-o'-lanturn.

The Witches by Roald Dahl

The book that the new movie 'The Witches (2020)' was based on, Roald Dahl describes a world where witches (unlike the lovely if not a little naughty Winnie) are horrid, evil beings who hate children! And not only that, but the Grand High Witch has a plan to make children disappear forever!

Though a little scary, this book has a wonderfully sweet side that explores the relationship between the main character and his grandmother after his parents have died, which is strengthened even more when the witches try to intervene. Grandson and Grandma decide to end the witches' schemes and save all the children of the world.

Another great bedtime read, although you might have to check no witches are under the bed before lights out!

Stories of Wizards and Witches by Enid Blyton

A collection of 25 short stories featuring tales like 'The Little Pixie-Cat' and 'The Strange Umbrella', this book is bursting with wizards, witches, goblins, pixies, fairies, elves and spell-casting mischief.

Each tale is standalone, short and thoroughly enchanting, making for a great nighttime read for a kid that wants 'just one more story'.

With quite an impressive career, Enid Blyton has written hits like The Magic Faraway Tree, the Famous Five, the Secret Seven and much much more, so you can count Stories of Wizards and Witches will be a smash hit! If your child just can't get enough Blyton stories, 'Stories of Magic and Mischief' will be a sure winner.


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