At one time or another, we are all tempted to put things off. Whether it's homework, laundry or going to the gym, there are many things in our lives that feel easier to ignore...until they're not.
However, it isn't always as simple as just 'getting on with it', especially for people who seriously struggle with procrastination! so we have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help your child leave Procrastination Station and buy a one-way ticket to Productivity City!

1. Taking Breaks Effectively HELPS!
This might sound counter-intuitive, but taking a 10-15 minute break after 30 minutes of focused study helps the brain recharge so you don't spend your last hour staring at Youtube instead of your homework. Taking those 10-15 minutes to stretch, read a book, have a walk, a snack and a glass of water will fuel you and not allow you to get sucked into a social media vortex! So go on George, have that rest! You earned it.

2. Create a Study Timetable!
When we procrastinate we tend to leave our work until the evening when we REALLY don't want to do it. We're cranky, full and want nothing more than to go to bed! So don't convince yourself that you'll do it later - 'Later You' wants a twix, a Netflix marathon and a nap. Instead, map out a study timetable either in a diary/journal or use an online calendar such as Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar. Colour-code based on lesson type and allot your hours so you have time for breaks.

3. Break it Up!
When you think of a task as one big picture, it can be very overwhelming. A builder doesn't try to plaster the walls when the bricks haven't been laid, the same way an artist doesn't paint the individual leaves of a tree before they've mapped out the body. Break down your task into as many little pieces as possible, and it won't feel so impossible. Tick off each section as you go so you are reminded of what you've accomplished.

4. Eat it Up and Sweat it Out!
We all work best when we've had a snack, but what we eat and how much we move is also important for our brains. Foods that are full of nutrients and release energy slowly like nuts, oats, fruit and vegetables will keep your energy up for longer and stop you from crashing. It's okay to have a chocolate bar every now and then, but eating those brain-foods will maximise your energy output for ultimate homework completion! Having a stretch and doing some form of exercise before and during a study session gets your endorphins going, your blood pumping and more oxygen delivered to your brain, creating better cognitive function and a smile on your face!
